.. _security-label: .. currentmodule:: riak.security ======== Security ======== Riak 2.0 supports authentication and authorization over encrypted channels via OpenSSL. This is useful to prevent accidental collisions between environments (e.g., pointing application software under active development at the production cluster) and offers protection against some malicious attacks, although Riak still should not be exposed directly to any unsecured network. Several important caveats when enabling security: * There is no support yet for auditing. This is on the roadmap for a future release. * Two deprecated features will not work if security is enabled: link walking and Riak Search 1.0. * There are restrictions on Erlang modules exposed to MapReduce jobs when security is enabled. * Enabling security requires applications be designed to transition gracefully based on the server response or applications will need to be halted before security is enabled and brought back online with support for the new security features. -------------------- Server Configuration -------------------- The server must first be configured to `enable security `_, users and `security sources `_ must be created, `permissions `_ applied and the correct certificates must be installed. An overview can be found at `Authentication and Authorization `_. -------------------- Client Configuration -------------------- .. note:: OpenSSL 1.0.1g or later (or patched version built after 2014-04-01) is required for `pyOpenSSL `_, which is used for secure transport in the Riak client. Earlier versions may not support TLS 1.2, the recommended security protocol. On the client, simply create a :class:`SecurityCreds` object with just a username, password and CA Certificate file. That would then need to be passed into the :class:`~riak.client.RiakClient` initializer:: creds = SecurityCreds('riakuser', 'riakpass', cacert_file='/path/to/ca.crt') client = RiakClient(credentials=creds) The ``credentials`` argument of a :class:`~riak.client.RiakClient` constructor is a :class:`SecurityCreds` object. If you specify a dictionary instead, it will be turned into this type:: creds = {'username': 'riakuser', 'password': 'riakpass', 'cacert_file': '/path/to/ca.crt'} client = RiakClient(credentials=creds) .. note:: A Certifying Authority (CA) Certificate must always be supplied to :class:`SecurityCreds` by specifying the path to a CA certificate file via the ``cacert_file`` argument or by setting the ``cacert`` argument to an `OpenSSL.crypto.X509 `_ object. This mitigates MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks by ensuring correct certificate validation. -------------------- Authentication Types -------------------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Trust and PAM Authentication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The most basic authentication would be `Trust-based Authentication `_ which is done exclusively on the server side by adding the appropriate ``trust`` security source: .. code:: bash riak-admin security add-source all trust `PAM-based Authentication `_ is another server-side solution which can be added by a ``pam`` security source with the name of the service: .. code:: bash riak-admin security add-source all pam service=riak_pam Even if you are using Trust authentication or the PAM module doesn't require a password, you must supply one to the client API. From the client's perspective, these are equivalent to Password authentication. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Password Authentication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The next level of security would be simply a username and password for `Password-based Authentication `_. The server needs to first have a user and a ``password`` security source: .. code:: bash riak-admin security add-user riakuser password=captheorem4life riak-admin security add-source riakuser password On the client, simply create a :class:`~SecurityCreds` object or dict with just a username and password. That would then need to be passed into the :class:`~riak.client.RiakClient` initializer:: creds = {'username': 'riakuser', 'password': 'riakpass', 'cacert_file': '/path/to/ca.crt'} client = RiakClient(credentials=creds) myBucket = client.bucket('test') val1 = "#SeanCribbsHoldingThings" key1 = myBucket.new('hashtag', data=val1) key1.store() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Client Certificate Authentication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you are using the **Protocol Buffers** transport you could also add a layer of security by using `Certificate-based Authentication `_. This time the server requires a ``certificate`` security source:: riak-admin security add-source riakuser certificate When the ``certificate`` source is used, the Riak username must match the common name, aka ``CN``, that you specified when you generated your certificate. You can add a ``certificate`` source to any number of clients. The :class:`SecurityCreds` must then include the include a client certificate file and a private key file, too:: creds = {'username': 'riakuser', 'password': 'riakpass', 'cacert_file': '/path/to/ca.crt', 'cert_file': '/path/to/client.crt', 'pkey_file': '/path/to/client.key'} .. note:: Username and password are still required for certificate-based authentication, although the password is ignored. Optionally, the certificate or private key may be supplied as a string:: with open('/path/to/client.key', 'r') as f: preloaded_pkey = f.read() with open('/path/to/client.crt', 'r') as f: preloaded_cert = f.read() creds = {'username': 'riakuser', 'password': 'riakpass', 'cert': preloaded_cert, 'pkey': prelocated_pkey} ------------------ Additional options ------------------ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Certificate revocation lists ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Another security option available is a Certificate Revocation List (CRL). It lists server certificates which, for whatever reason, are no longer valid. For example, it is discovered that the certificate authority (CA) had improperly issued a certificate, or if a private-key is thought to have been compromised. The most common reason for revocation is the user no longer being in sole possession of the private key (e.g., the token containing the private key has been lost or stolen):: creds = {'username': 'riakuser', 'password': 'riakpass', 'cacert_file': '/path/to/ca.crt', 'crl_file': '/path/to/server.crl'} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Cipher options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The last interesting setting on :class:`SecurityCreds` is the ``ciphers`` option which is a colon-delimited list of supported ciphers for encryption:: creds = {'username': 'riakuser', 'password': 'riakpass', 'ciphers': 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA'} A more detailed discussion can be found at `Security Ciphers `_. -------------------- SecurityCreds object -------------------- .. autoclass:: SecurityCreds .. autoattribute:: username .. autoattribute:: password .. autoattribute:: cacert .. autoattribute:: crl .. autoattribute:: cert .. autoattribute:: pkey .. autoattribute:: ciphers .. autoattribute:: ssl_version