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IRiakEndPoint Interface
Represents a connection to a Riak node, and allows operations to be performed with that connection.

Namespace:  RiakClient
Assembly:  RiakClient (in RiakClient.dll) Version: f9bb17a3f8ff6940b88010a52f202e3d55fe25c5
public interface IRiakEndPoint : IDisposable

The IRiakEndPoint type exposes the following members.

Public propertyRetryWaitTime
Represents the TimeSpan to wait inbetween retry attempts.
Public methodCreateClient
Creates a new IRiakClient instance.
Public methodDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public methodUseConnection(FuncIRiakConnection, RiakResult, Int32)
Executes a delegate function using a IRiakConnection, and returns the results. Retries if possible for certain error states.
Public methodUseConnectionTResult(FuncIRiakConnection, RiakResultTResult, Int32)
Executes a delegate function using a IRiakConnection, and returns the results. Retries if possible for certain error states.
Public methodUseDelayedConnectionTResult
Executes a delegate function using a IRiakConnection, and returns the results. Retries if possible for certain error states. This method is used over UseConnection(FuncIRiakConnection, RiakResult, Int32) to keep a connection open to receive streaming results.
See Also