Package com.basho.riak.client

Provides the top-level IRiakClient and IRiakObject classes required to store data in Riak, start here.

See: Description

Package com.basho.riak.client Description

Provides the top-level IRiakClient and IRiakObject classes required to store data in Riak, start here.

Riak is a Dynamo-style, distributed key-value store that can be queried via Map/Reduce. Riak exposes both an HTTP REST interface and a Protocol Buffers interface. This library provides an abstract, high-level, transport agnostic interface to Riak.

In order to use the client you first need an instance of one of the two legacy, transport specific clients http. RiakClient or pbc. RiakClient which is then wrapped as an IRiakClient. RiakFactory provides convenient methods for this:

 IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.pbcClient(yourPBClient);
If you are running Riak locally using the default ports simply call
 IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.httpClient()
 IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.pbcClient()
Configuration of the low-level clients is coming soon to the API.
See Also:
com.basho.riak.client.raw, com.basho.riak.client.query

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