Package | Description |
com.basho.riak.client |
Provides the top-level
and IRiakObject classes required to store data
in Riak, start here. |
com.basho.riak.client.bucket |
A bucket is a namespace abstraction provided by Riak, the API uses
Bucket as the primary way to interact
with data stored in Riak. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
WriteBucket |
IRiakClient.createBucket(String bucketName)
Create a new
WriteBucket operation
to create a Bucket named for the passed String. |
WriteBucket |
DefaultRiakClient.createBucket(String bucketName) |
WriteBucket |
IRiakClient.updateBucket(Bucket bucket)
Create a new
WriteBucket operation to update passed bucket. |
WriteBucket |
DefaultRiakClient.updateBucket(Bucket b) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.addPostcommitHook(NamedErlangFunction postcommitHook)
Add a postcommit hook to the Collection of post commit hooks for the bucket to written.
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.addPrecommitHook(NamedFunction preCommitHook)
Add a precommit hook to the Collection of hooks to be written.
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.allowSiblings(boolean allowSiblings)
Should the bucket have allow_mult set to true?
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.backend(String backend)
Which backend this bucket uses.
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.basicQuorum(boolean basicQuorum)
The default basic_quorum value
NOTE: at present this is not supported by PB API and
UnsupportedPropertyException will be thrown if called for that transport |
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.bigVClock(int bigVClock)
set the big_vclock prune size
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.chashKeyFunction(NamedErlangFunction chashKeyFunction)
Set the chash_key_fun on the bucket to be written
WriteBucket |
convenience for setting search=false **and** removing the search
precommit hook (support for both pre-1.0 and 1.0 search)
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.dw(int dw)
The default dw quorom as an int
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.dw(Quora dw)
The default dw quorom
WriteBucket |
convenience for setting search=true **and** adding the search precommit
hook (support for both pre-1.0 and 1.0 search)
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.lastWriteWins(boolean lastWriteWins)
Is this bucket last_write_wins?
WriteBucket |
Prior to the addition of this method there was no way to prevent
execute() from fetching the BucketProperties from Riak
after storing any modifications made via this object. |
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.linkWalkFunction(NamedErlangFunction linkWalkFunction)
Set the link_walk_fun used by Riak on the bucket to be written.
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.notFoundOK(boolean notFoundOK)
The default notfound_ok value
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.nVal(int nVal)
The n_val for this bucket
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.oldVClock(long oldVClock)
set the old_vclock prune age
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.postcommitHooks(Collection<NamedErlangFunction> postCommitHooks)
Add a collection of postcommit hooks to the bucket to be written.
WriteBucket | pr)
The default pr quorom as an int
WriteBucket | pr)
The default pr quorom
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.precommitHooks(Collection<NamedFunction> precommitHooks)
A Collection of precommit hooks for this bucket
WriteBucket | pw)
The default dw quorom as an int
WriteBucket | pw)
The default pw quorom
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.r(int r)
The default r quorom as an int
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.r(Quora r)
The default r Quorom for the bucket
WriteBucket | rw)
The default rw quorom as an int
WriteBucket | rw)
The default rw quorom
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.smallVClock(int smallVClock)
set the small vclock prune size
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.w(int w)
The default w quorom as an int
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.w(Quora w)
The default w quorom
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.withRetrier(Retrier retrier)
Specify the retrier to use for this operation.
WriteBucket |
WriteBucket.youngVClock(long youngVClock)
set the young_vclock prune age
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