Package | Description |
com.basho.riak.client.raw |
The raw interfaces/classes exist to provide unified access to any underlying transport clients for Riak
com.basho.riak.client.raw.http |
Classes for adapting the http.
RiakClient to the
RawClient interface |
com.basho.riak.client.raw.pbc |
Classes for adapting the pbc.
RiakClient to the
RawClient interface |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static RiakResponse |
Generate the empty response
static RiakResponse |
RiakResponse.empty(boolean unmodified)
Generate an empty response, with a value for the conditional get 'isUnmodified' response.
RiakResponse |
RawClient.fetch(String bucket,
String key)
Fetch data from
bucket/key |
RiakResponse |
ClusterClient.fetch(String bucket,
String key) |
RiakResponse |
RawClient.fetch(String bucket,
String key,
FetchMeta fetchMeta)
Fetch data from the given
bucket/key with
fetchMeta |
RiakResponse |
ClusterClient.fetch(String bucket,
String key,
FetchMeta fetchMeta) |
RiakResponse |
RawClient.fetch(String bucket,
String key,
int readQuorum)
Fetch data from the given
bukcet/key with read quorum
readQuorum |
RiakResponse |
ClusterClient.fetch(String bucket,
String key,
int readQuorum) |
RiakResponse |
RawClient.head(String bucket,
String key,
FetchMeta fetchMeta)
Fetch only the meta-data from
bucket/key |
RiakResponse |
ClusterClient.head(String bucket,
String key,
FetchMeta fetchMeta) |
static RiakResponse |
RiakResponse.matchFound() |
RiakResponse | object,
StoreMeta storeMeta)
Store the given
IRiakObject in Riak at the location
bucket/key |
RiakResponse | object,
StoreMeta storeMeta) |
static RiakResponse |
RiakResponse.unmodified() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RiakResponse |
HTTPClientAdapter.fetch(String bucket,
String key) |
RiakResponse |
HTTPClientAdapter.fetch(String bucket,
String key,
FetchMeta fetchMeta) |
RiakResponse |
HTTPClientAdapter.fetch(String bucket,
String key,
int readQuorum) |
RiakResponse |
HTTPClientAdapter.head(String bucket,
String key,
FetchMeta fetchMeta)
NOTE: returns the values *if* siblings are present
RiakResponse | object,
StoreMeta storeMeta) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RiakResponse |
PBClientAdapter.fetch(String bucket,
String key) |
RiakResponse |
PBClientAdapter.fetch(String bucket,
String key,
FetchMeta fetchMeta) |
RiakResponse |
PBClientAdapter.fetch(String bucket,
String key,
int readQuorum) |
RiakResponse |
PBClientAdapter.head(String bucket,
String key,
FetchMeta fm) |
RiakResponse | riakObject,
StoreMeta storeMeta) |
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