API Docs for: 2.2.2

UpdateSet Class

Extends CommandBase
Module: CRDT

Command used tp update a set in Riak

As a convenience, a builder class is provided:

   var update = new UpdateSet.Builder()
          .withAdditions(['this', 'that', 'other'])

See UpdateSet.Builder



  • options
  • callback


  • options Object

    The options to use for this command.

    • bucketType String

      The bucket type in riak.

    • bucket String

      The bucket in riak.

    • [key] String optional

      The key for the set you want to store. Riak will generate one if not set.

    • [additions] String | Buffer optional

      The values to be added to the set.

    • [removals] String | Buffer optional

      The values to remove from the set. Note that a context is required.

    • [context] Buffer optional

      The context from a previous fetch. Required for remove operations.

    • [returnBody=true] Boolean optional

      Return the set.

    • [setsAsBuffers=false] Boolean optional

      Return the set as an array of Buffers rather than strings.

    • [w] Number optional

      The W value to use.

    • [dw] Number optional

      The DW value to use.

    • [pw] Number optional

      The PW value to use.

    • [timeout] Number optional

      Set a timeout for this command.

  • callback Function

    Rhe callback to be executed when the operation completes.

    • err String

      An error message. Will ne null if no error.

    • response Object

      The response from Riak. will be null if returnBody is not set.

      • generatedKey String
        If no key was supplied, Riak will generate and return one here.
      • context Buffer
        An opaque context to be used in any subsequent modification of the set.
      • values String | Buffer
        An array holding the values in the set. String by default, Buffers if setsAsBuffers was used.
    • data Object

      additional error data. Will be null if no error.



() Object protected
Construct and return the Riak protocol buffer message for this command. Subclasses must override this method.


Object: a protocol buffer message builder


() Function private
Fires the user's callback with the arguments passed in.


Function: the user supplied callback


() Number private
Returns the expected response code for this command.


Number: the expected response code for this command.


() Object private
Returns and instance of the protocol buffer message builder for this command. This is determined via the pbRequestName passed to the constructor.


Object: the builder for the protocol buffer message to be sent for this command


() Object private
Returns the encoded protobuf and message header.


Object: object containing the header and encoded protobuf


  • msg
  • data
Called by RiakNode if an error occurs executing the command and all retries are exhausted.


  • msg String
    an error message
  • data Object
    additional error data


  • rpbErrorResp
Called by RiakNode when a RpbErrorResp is received and all retries are exhausted. Commands may override this method.


  • rpbErrorResp Object
    the RpbErrorResp protocol buffer


  • pbResponseMessage
Boolean protected
Called by RiakNode when a response is received. Subclasses must override this method.


  • pbResponseMessage Object
    the protocol buffer received from riak


Boolean: true if not streaming or the last response has been received, false otherwise.