File: lib/commands/kv/storebuckettypeprops.js
- 'use strict';
- var inherits = require('util').inherits;
- var Joi = require('joi');
- var StorePropsBase = require('./storepropsbase');
- /**
- * Provides the StoreBucketTypeProps class, its builder, and its response.
- * @module KV
- */
- /**
- * Command used to set the properties on a bucket type in Riak.
- *
- * As a convenience, a builder class is provided:
- *
- * var storeProps = new StoreBucketTypeProps.Builder()
- * .withBucketType('my-type')
- * .withAllowMult(true)
- * .build();
- *
- * See {{#crossLink "StoreBucketTypeProps.Builder"}}StoreBucketTypeProps.Builder{{/crossLink}}
- *
- * @class StoreBucketTypeProps
- * @constructor
- * @param {Object} options The properties to store
- * @param {String} [options.bucketType] The bucket type in riak. If not supplied 'default is used'
- * @param {Function} callback The callback to be executed when the operation completes.
- * @param {String} callback.err An error message. Will be null if no error.
- * @param {Boolean} callback.response the response from Riak. This will be true.
- * @param {Function} callback The callback to be executed when the operation completes.
- * @param {String} callback.err An error message. Will ne null if no error.
- * @param {Object} callback.response The response from Riak. This is an oject with all the bucket properties.
- * @param {Object} additional error data. Will be null if no error.
- * @extends StorePropsBase
- */
- function StoreBucketTypeProps(options, callback) {
-, options, 'RpbSetBucketTypeReq', 'RpbSetBucketResp', callback);
- this.validateOptions(options, schema, { allowUnknown: true });
- }
- inherits(StoreBucketTypeProps, StorePropsBase);
- StoreBucketTypeProps.prototype.constructPbRequest = function() {
- var protobuf =;
- protobuf.setType(new Buffer(this.options.bucketType));
- return protobuf;
- };
- /**
- * A builder for constructing StoreBucketTypeProps instances
- *
- * Rather than having to manually construct the __options__ and instantiating
- * a StoreBucketTypeProps directly, this builder may be used.
- *
- * var storeProps = new StoreBucketTypeProps.Builder()
- * .withAllowMult(true)
- * .build();
- *
- * @class StoreBucketTypeProps.Builder
- * @constructor
- * @extends StorePropsBase.Builder
- */
- function Builder() {
- this.precommit = [];
- this.postcommit = [];
- }
- inherits(Builder, StorePropsBase.Builder);
- var schema = Joi.object().keys({
- bucketType: Joi.string().default('default')
- });
- /**
- * Construct a StoreBucketTypeProps instance.
- * @method build
- * @return {StoreBucketTypeProps}
- */
- = function() {
- var cb = this.callback;
- delete this.callback;
- return new StoreBucketTypeProps(this, cb);
- };
- module.exports = StoreBucketTypeProps;
- module.exports.Builder = Builder;